
Study on MOC Transport Calculation for Dispersed Particulate Fuel

  • 摘要: 弥散颗粒型燃料的中子输运问题因其特有的随机性和双重非均匀性难以直接使用现有输运方法进行求解。Sanchez-Pomraning方法借助更新方程,对特征线方法进行改进,使其能应用于弥散颗粒型燃料的输运计算中。本文对二维圆柱形弥散颗粒燃料输运问题进行了计算,数值结果表明:程序在不同颗粒填充率、不同颗粒尺寸、燃料颗粒与毒物颗粒共存的问题下均能保证较好的计算精度,反应性特征值绝对偏差大多低于100 pcm,仅在QUADRISO毒物颗粒填充时绝对偏差达到163 pcm。本文方法能满足弥散颗粒型燃料的输运求解要求,为新型燃料的设计研究工作提供了可靠的结果。


    Abstract: For the dispersed particulate fuel, the effect of particle randomness and double heterogeneity impedes the solution with the existing transport scheme. The Sanchez-Pomraning method improved the conventional method of characteristic (MOC)with the renewal equation to solve the dispersed particulate fuel problem in transport calculation. A 2D cylindrical transport problem for dispersed particulate fuel were calculated. The results show that code can ensure a good calculation accuracy under the conditions of different packing fractions, different particle sizes and multi-particles co-existing in the stochastic medium. Most biases of the eigenvalue (effective multiplication factor) are lower than 100 pcm. The highest bias occurs in the problem of QUADRISO burnable poison particle filled, and gets to 163 pcm. The code based on Sanchez-MOC method can provide believable results for the research about the novel fuel.


