Zirconium alloys are extensively used for structural components in nuclear reactors. Under reactor operating conditions, irradiation creep and growth of zirconium alloys severely affect its reliability. Predicting the irradiation creep and growth behavior of zirconium alloys is crucial for the safe operation of the reactor. The predictive models of irradiation deformation for zirconium alloys from the macro-mesoscopic scale were reviewed, mainly focusing on two types of zirconium alloy components, including cladding tubes for pressurized water reactors and Zr-2.5Nb pressure tubes for heavy water reactors. For the cladding tube, the characteristics of the macro empirical model and the mesoscopic mechanics model were described, with an emphasis on the research status and the latest progress of the mesoscopic mechanics model, as well as putting forwards the suggestions for its future development. For the pressure tubes, the specific forms of macro-empirical models were described, including the prediction equation for Canadian CANDU pressure tube (C6 equation) and Qinshan CANDU pressure tube (Qinshan equation), and the progress of the localization of C6 equation was also introduced.