
Design, Preparation and Property Study of New High Temperature Resistant Neutron Shielding Composite

  • 摘要: 采用表面改性处理技术,制备了由环氧树脂、B4C(或BN)和聚丙烯酸铅组成的新型耐高温中子屏蔽复合材料,重点研究了材料制备工艺及主要性能指标,利用蒙特卡罗程序MCNP对材料中子屏蔽性能进行了模拟计算,并与文献报道的屏蔽材料铅硼聚乙烯进行了比较。结果显示,由环氧树脂、B4C和聚丙烯酸铅组成的复合材料各项力学性能良好,具有良好的耐高温性能,210 ℃烘烤7 h外观无明显变化。MCNP模拟计算表明,对于从热中子至10 MeV的中子,4 cm厚新材料的中子剂量穿透率和中子注量穿透率均优于文献报道的同等厚度的铅硼聚乙烯材料。Am-Be中子源屏蔽试验的实测数据和模拟计算数据表明,两者随屏蔽材料厚度的变化趋势几乎完全一致,两者的差异随屏蔽材料厚度的增加逐渐减小,在10.5 cm处仅1.34%。


    Abstract: A new type of neutron shielding composites with high temperature resistance, including epoxy resin, boron carbide (or boron nitride) and lead polyacrylate, was prepared by surface modification method. The preparation process and various performance indexes of the materials were studied. The neutron shielding properties of the materials were simulated by using the Monte Carlo code MCNP, and compared with the shielding material lead-boron-polythene reported. The experimental results show that the mechanical properties of the composites are good, and there is no obvious appearance change in the oven at 210 ℃ for 7 hours. The MCNP simulation results show that the neutron dose attenuation multiple and neutron flux attenuation multiple of the new material with a thickness of 4 cm from thermal neutron to 10 MeV neutrons are better than those of lead-boron-polythene. The measured and simulated data of shielding test of Am-Be neutron source show that their variation trend with the thickness of shielding material are almost the same, and the relative difference decreases with thickness increasing, which is only 1.34% at 10.5 cm.


