
Neutronic Design and Analysis of Dispersed Particle Burnable Poison for Long Cycle PWR

  • 摘要: 为实现长寿期压水堆的低硼运行,对颗粒弥散可燃毒物进行了中子学设计与分析,颗粒弥散可燃毒物的自屏效应可通过颗粒半径进行调节,能实现可燃毒物消耗和燃料燃耗的较优匹配。本文选取目前压水堆常用的快燃耗可燃毒物B、Gd为对象,研究了颗粒弥散可燃毒物不同颗粒半径和填充份额对组件中子学特性的影响。结果表明,颗粒弥散可燃毒物能实现长期稳定的反应性控制,其中BISO含硼弥散颗粒符合长寿期压水堆低硼运行的要求,适合作为长寿期压水堆的候选可燃毒物进行下一步研究。


    Abstract: In order to achieve low boron operation of pressurized water reactors (PWRs), neutronics design and analysis of dispersed particle burnable poisons were carried out, the self-shielding effect of dispersed particle burnable poison could be adjusted by the particle radius, which could achieve a better match between burnable poison consumption and fuel burnup. The commonly used fast burn-up burnable poisons B and Gd were selected in this paper, and the influence of different particle radii and packing fraction of the dispersed particle burnable poisons on the neutronics characteristics was studied. The results show that dispersed particle burnable poisons can achieve long-term stable reactivity control, BISO boron-containing particles can meet the requirements of the low boron operation of long cycle PWRs and are suitable as candidate burnable poisons for long cycle PWRs for further research.


