
Seismic Fragility Analysis of a Nuclear Power Plant Containment Based on Empirical-analytical Data

  • 摘要: 本文基于混合数据的地震易损性分析方法,对我国已运行核电厂地震易损性分析进行研究。首先基于地震危险性分析和分解结果,生成了我国华南地区某核电厂厂址条件谱;然后采用贪心优化算法,选取符合厂址危险性的地震动记录;基于增量动力分析方法,生成我国某核电厂安全壳地震易损性安全系数FS和FSA的解析数据;地震易损性其他参数采用经验数据,基于经验-解析数据,生成了我国某核电厂安全壳地震易损性曲线。建议将基于经验-解析数据的地震易损性分析方法应用于我国核电厂安全壳初步地震易损性分析中。


    Abstract: Seismic fragility analysis of operating nuclear power plants of China were conducted through seismic fragility analysis methodology based on hybrid data in this paper. Conditional spectra of a nuclear power plant site located in South China were generated by utilizing seismic hazard analysis and deaggregation results. The greedy optimization algorithm was used to select the earthquake records that meet the seismic hazard of the plant site. The analytical data of safety factors FS and FSA of seismic fragility for a nuclear power plant containment of China were obtained through incremental dynamic analysis method. Seismic fragility curves of a nuclear power plant containment of China were generated by utilizing empirical-analytical data, which included analytical data of two above factors and empirical data of other factors. It is suggested that seismic fragility analysis methodology based on empirical-analytical data should be applied to the preliminary seismic fragility analysis of nuclear power plant containment in China.


