
Progress in Research of Nuclear Criticality Safety Technology

  • 摘要: 核临界安全是核科技工业特有的安全种类,是贯穿整个核燃料循环的特殊安全问题,是核事业发展的生命线。核临界安全技术是核科技工业中防止意外的中子链式裂变反应导致放射性事故的研究领域。我国核临界安全技术研究的起源与发展在中国原子能科学研究院(CIAE),中核集团核临界安全中心依托CIAE设立,经过长期的技术积累与发展形成了较完整的技术研发体系,本文将从临界实验、临界监测、理论分析、信息化等方面对核临界安全技术研究的进展进行简要阐述。


    Abstract: Nuclear criticality safety is a peculiar kind of safety issues in nuclear science and industry, and is a special safety problem throughout the whole nuclear fuel cycle and the lifeline of the developments in nuclear energy. Nuclear criticality safety technology is a research field for preventing unexpected neutron chain fission reactions which would cause radioactivity release accident in nuclear science and industry. The research of nuclear criticality safety technology in China originated and developed in China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). Based on CIAE, China National Nuclear Corporation set up the Nuclear Criticality Safety Center. The technology R&D system nowadays becomes comprehensive after long-term accumulations and developments. The progress in the research of nuclear criticality safety technology will be briefly introduced with the topics of critical experiment, criticality monitoring, theoretical analysis and information technology in the paper.


