
Development and prospect of RHU/RTG

  • 摘要: 作为深空探测任务中热/电能的理想来源,同位素热源(RHU)/温差型同位素电源(RTG)在人类向空间迈进的进程中占据举足轻重的地位,很大程度上决定着深空探测任务的深度和广度。本文介绍了RHU/RTG的原理和基本结构,论述了空间探测领域应用范围最广的238Pu RHU/RTG的国内外发展现状,重点分析了RHU/RTG技术体系中影响其性能的关键科学和技术问题,在指明RHU/RTG技术发展方向的同时,对RHU/RTG的应用前景提出了展望。


    Abstract: As an ideal source of heat/electricity in deep space exploration missions, RHU/RTG plays a pivotal role in the process of stepping into the space, which largely determines the depth and breadth of deep space exploration missions as well. The principle and basic structure of RHU/RTG were presented, the development status of 238Pu RHU/RTG was discussed, and the key scientific and technical problems affecting its performance in the RHU/RTG technical system were emphatically analyzed. Based on above the application prospect of RHU/RTG is forecasted, and the development direction of RHU/RTG technology is pointed out.


