
Innovation and Development of Isotope Electromagnetic Separation Technology

  • 摘要: 目前高丰度稳定同位素的应用元素种类和应用领域越来越广泛,而同位素电磁分离法是获得高丰度Rb、K等多种同位素唯一可行的方法。我国的同位素电磁分离技术发展始于20世纪60年代,目前EMIS-170是我国唯一一台同位素电磁分离器装置。该设备在2013—2016年间进行了技术升级,稳定同位素分离能力明显提升。由该设备分离的多种稳定同位素已成功应用到了导航、工农业、基础研究等领域,实现了同位素产品的国产化,取得了显著的社会效益。


    Abstract: Highly-enriched stable isotopes are used in more and more wide areas, while electromagnetic separation method is the only feasible way to enrich many species like Rb, K, etc. The technology development of isotope electromagnetic separation technology begins in 1960’s, at present EMIS-170 is the only one functioning yielding-type electromagnetic isotope separator. EMIS-170 was technically renewed during 2013—2016 and the enriching ability of stable isotope was enhanced significantly. Many kinds of isotopes enriched are successfully used in areas of navigation, industry, agriculture, scientific research etc. The localization of isotope products is realized and remarkable social benefits are achieved.


