
Present Status and Future Prospect of Applied Nuclear Physics Research at HI-13 Tandem Accelerator

  • 摘要: HI-13串列加速器建设开始,核物理应用研究即为其一主要研究和发展方向。过去30多年,从设备和装置建设开始,核物理应用研究得到很大发展,取得了一批优秀的研究成果。本文主要介绍HI-13串列加速器的航天电子元器件抗辐射加固、辐射生物效应、加速器质谱、核孔膜和防伪标识、在线和离线核效应等核物理应用研究发展现状,展望了依托在建的预期2021年底投入运行的HI-13串列加速器-超导直线加速器和多粒子可变能量回旋加速器的创新性、前沿性和实用性的核物理应用研究。


    Abstract: Since the construction of HI-13 tandem accelerator, the applied nuclear physics research has been one of its main research and development directions. With the establishment of equipments and facilities, the applied nuclear physics research has been developed extensively over the past 30 years. Meanwhile, a batch of excellent research results has been achieved. The present status of the applied nuclear physics research at HI-13 tandem accelerator on radiation resistant strengthening of aerospace electronic devices and components, radiation biological effect, nuclear pore membrane and anti-counterfeiting mark, accelerator mass spectrometry and on-line and off-line nuclear effects was described. The applied nuclear physics research with innovation, cutting edge and practicality in future was prospected relying on the HI-13 tandem accelerator-superconducting linear accelerator complex and multi-particle and variable energy cyclotron, which are under construction expected to come into operation by the end of 2021.


