
Progress of Research and Development on Annular Fuel Assembly for PWR Application

  • 摘要: 与传统棒状燃料相比,环形燃料元件具有两个冷却表面,传热面积-体积比增加,芯块导热路径减小,能大幅降低燃料峰值温度,可在保持充分安全裕度的条件下,有效提升反应堆功率密度。本文简要总结了美国、韩国等国家环形燃料技术发展状态,介绍了我国正在开展的环形燃料设计、设计验证和制造技术等方面的研发进展,展望了环形燃料的应用前景。


    Abstract: Compared with traditional solid fuel rod, annular fuel rod has double cooled surfaces that make the ratio of surface to area-volume for heat transfer increase, the path of heat conduction shorten, and the peak temperature of fuel pellet decrease sharply. Therefore, annular fuel can increase the power density of the reactor core while maintaining a sufficient safety margin. The technical status of annular fuel in the United States, Korea and other countries was summarized briefly. The progress of research and development on technologies for annular fuel design, validation experiment and manufacture in China was shown. The prospective applications of annular fuel were also given in this paper.


