
Progress of Research and Development of MOX Fuel for Fast Reactor Application

  • 摘要: 铀-钚氧化物燃料(MOX燃料)是国际上应用最为广泛的快堆燃料,已在多个快堆中得到成功应用。由于快堆MOX燃料严酷的服役环境,对其性能提出了特殊要求,给快堆MOX燃料的设计、材料、制造带来极大挑战。从20世纪90年代开始,中国原子能科学研究院联合相关单位开展快堆MOX燃料的技术研发,取得阶段性重要进展。本文简要介绍了快堆MOX燃料技术研发的历史、主要进展和快堆MOX燃料的发展和应用展望。


    Abstract: MOX fuel is one kind of promising and wide use fuel for fast reactor, which have been successfully applied in some fast reactor in the world. Some special properties of pellet and structure materials for MOX fuel assembly are needed to match the very cruel service environment in-pile. Therefore, it is a very big challenge for the design, material and manufacture of the fast reactor MOX fuel. From 90s in 20 century, China Institute of Atomic Energy have led the research and development of MOX fuel for fast rector, collaborated with other companies, and have achieved some important progress in this area. In this paper, a brief introduction of the history, key progress of research and development, and future program of development and application of MOX fuel was given.


