
Progress and Development of Dry Reprocessing Technology of Spent Fuel in China

  • 摘要: 乏燃料干法分离是一种适应性更强、处理对象更广的后处理技术路线,是乏燃料分离领域的研究热点之一。美俄等基于熔盐电化学分离技术,分别建立了经工程规模热验证的干法后处理流程。我国早期开展了氟化挥发法研究,近年来针对氧化物乏燃料和熔盐堆燃料循环分别开展了较广泛的基础理论和工艺研究。本文总结了我国在氯化物和氟化物熔盐体系中稀土、铀、钚电解分离与铀氟化挥发等研究进展,并结合我国先进核燃料循环体系建设,提出了下一步发展建议。


    Abstract: Dry reprocessing of spent fuel is a kind of separation technology with better adaptability and wider processing objects, which is a research hotspot in the field of actinides separation. Based on the electrochemical separation technology in molten salt, the United States and Russia established the flowsheets of dry reprocessing technology demonstrated by engineering scale hot test. Investigation on the fluoride volatility method was conducted about 40 years ago in China, and the basic theory and process research on the treatment of spent oxide fuel and molten salt reactor fuel cycle were carried out in recent years. In this paper, the progress of the research on molten salt electrolysis with rare earth, uranium and plutonium was summarized, as well as the separation and purification of uranium with fluoride volatility method in China. For the aim of the establishment of China’s advanced nuclear fuel cycle system, suggestions for further development are proposed.


