
Cu Precipitate Induced Hardening in FeCu Model Alloy by Dislocation Dynamics

  • 摘要: 压水反应堆压力容器(RPV)钢服役过程经高能中子辐照产生的溶质-缺陷团簇,导致辐照硬化和脆化,是影响其服役寿命的关键因素。利用位错动力学方法结合分子动力学和分子静力学计算获得的缺陷钉扎力,研究了FeCu模型合金中Cu析出物导致硬化的机理,分析了钉扎力、脱钉临界角等因素对计算结果的影响,并对计算结果的置信度进行了分析。结果表明:半径小于1 nm析出物的脱钉判据主要为力判据,需精确计算缺陷对位错的钉扎力;半径大于1 nm析出物的脱钉判据主要为临界角判据,对于Cu析出物,其临界角约为130°。本研究结果对于深入研究RPV钢辐照硬化机理以及预测辐照脆化趋势具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Defect cluster-solute complexes induced by high energy neutron during the service of pressurized water reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel will lead to irradiation hardening and embrittlement, which is the key factor affecting its service life. Using dislocation dynamics method combined with molecular dynamics and molecular statics, the hardening mechanism of copper-rich precipitates in FeCu model alloy was studied. The effects of pinning force and critical angle of unpinning on the calculation results were analyzed, and the confidence level of the calculation results was analyzed. The results show that the unpinning criterion for the precipitates with radius less than 1 nm is mainly force criterion, and it is necessary to accurately calculate the pinning force. The unpinning criterion for the precipitates with radius greater than 1 nm is mainly critical angle criterion, and the critical angle is about 130° for copper-rich precipitates. The results of this study are of great significance for further studying on the irradiation hardening mechanism of RPV steel and predicting the trend of irradiation embrittlement.


