
Test Method for T0 of Domestic A508-Ⅲ Steel by Using W-shaped Specimen

  • 摘要: 在我国早期开发的W型试样的基础上,参考ASTM E1921标准,开发了基于W型试样的断裂韧性测试技术,建立了包括断裂韧性计算、数据有效性判定和参考温度T0计算等在内的数据分析方法。在-100~-40 ℃下开展了国产A508-Ⅲ钢的W型试样和标准1C(T)试样的测试分析和试验数据的有效性评价。结果表明,基于W型试样可得到满足ASTM E1921标准的有效断裂韧性数据,W型试样数据点均在标准1C(T)试样master curve(主曲线)的置信区间内,基于W型试样确定的参考温度T0与标准1C(T)试样的非常接近,W型试样可成为RPV辐照监督备选试样。


    Abstract: A new type of W-shaped specimen for determining T0 was designed based on the W-shaped specimen developed earlier in China. The test technology of W-shaped specimen forT0 measurement was established, and the data analysis methods including fracture toughness calculation, datum censoring and reference temperature T0 calculation of W-shaped specimen were determined, after referring to ASTM E1921 standard. Finally, W-shaped specimen and 1C(T) specimens of domestic A508-Ⅲ steel were tested at -100--40 ℃, the results were used to validate the effectiveness of the W-shaped specimen test data. The results show that effective fracture toughness data determined by ASTM E1921 can be obtained based on the W-shaped specimen. The test data of W-shaped specimens are all within the confidence interval of the master curve determined by 1C(T) specimen. T0 determined by the W-shaped specimen is very close to that of standard 1C(T) specimen. The W-shaped specimen can be applied as the candidate fracture toughness specimen of RPV surveillance program.


