
Parallel Spatially Resolved Stochastic Cluster Dynamics Simulation of Radiation Damage in Nuclear Material

  • 摘要: 核反应堆中关键材料的辐照损伤演化对其性能有重要影响,且跨越多个量级的时空尺度。空间分辨随机团簇动力学是近年来发展的1种模拟核材料辐照损伤行为的有效方法,它避免了传统团簇动力学在缺陷种类和计算复杂性方面的限制,且能考虑缺陷的空间依赖性。在概述了空间分辨随机团簇动力学基本原理的基础上,论述了自主开发的大规模并行空间分辨随机团簇动力学程序MISA-SCD1.0的实现方式与关键技术,并将其应用于反应堆压力容器模型合金中富Cu团簇的析出模拟,验证了程序的正确性并测试了并行性能。结果表明,MISA-SCD1.0能获得与实验结果和类似模拟结果吻合的Cu析出过程,且具有较高的并行效率和良好的扩展性。


    Abstract: The radiation damage evolution of nuclear reactor materials significantly impacts its performance, and the evolution spans multiple orders of magnitude of time and space. A recently developed method, spatially resolved stochastic cluster dynamics, has been shown to be useful for simulating nuclear materials’ radiation damage behavior. It overcomes the limitations of traditional cluster dynamics method in defect types and computational complexity and can consider the spatial dependence of defects. Based on summarizing the basic principles of spatially resolved stochastic cluster dynamics, the implementation and key technologies of the self-developed large-scale parallel spatially resolved stochastic cluster dynamics program MISA-SCD1.0 were discussed. It is then applied to simulate the precipitation of rich-copper (Cu) clusters in the reactor pressure vessel model allies to verify the program’s correctness and test the parallel performance. The results show that MISA-SCD1.0 can obtain the Cu precipitate process consistent with the experimental results and similar simulation results. It also has high parallel efficiency and good scalability.


