
Study on Effect of Passive Containment Cooling System for HPR1000 on Severe Accident Consequence

  • 摘要: 华龙一号的非能动安全壳冷却系统(PCS)对维持反应堆安全壳完整性有重要作用。现有通用严重事故一体化分析程序不包含模拟PCS的程序模块,对华龙一号堆型的事故分析存在不足。本文将PCS模块与一体化程序耦合,研究严重事故工况下安全壳的瞬态响应特性。计算结果显示:有PCS时安全壳内温度比无PCS时低约20 K;有PCS的压力比无PCS时低约7×104 Pa;有PCS时大空间的蒸汽质量份额比无PCS时约低0.1。PCS模块与严重事故一体化分析程序耦合,弥补了一体化软件用于华龙一号时在事故分析中存在的不足,对事故分析有重要意义。同时初步论证了PCS能在很大程度上缓解安全壳内的温度和压力,有利于保证安全壳的完整性。


    Abstract: The passive containment cooling system (PCS) of the HPR1000 plays an important role in maintaining the containment integrity. The existing general severe accident integrated analysis program does not include a program module that simulates PCS, which is inadequate for the HPR1000 accident analysis. In this paper, the PCS program module was coupled with the integrated program to study the transient response characteristics of containment under severe accident conditions. The calculation results show that the temperature inside the containment with PCS is about 20 K lower than that without PCS; the pressure with PCS is about 7×104 Pa lower than that without PCS; the steam mass fraction of large space with PCS is about 0.1 lower than that without PCS. The coupling of PCS program module with the severe accident integrated analysis program makes up for the shortcomings of the integrated program in the accident analysis of the HPR1000 and is of great importance to the accident analysis. Meanwhile, the above calculation results verify that PCS can significantly remove the heat and reduce the pressure inside the containment, which helps to maintain the containment integrity.


