Cladding ballooning and rupture are the important phenomena at the early stage of a severe accident (SA). For example, the SA caused by the loss of coolant accident (LOCA), the decrease in primary loop pressure and the increase in core temperature will lead to the cladding ballooning and rupture. The cladding deformation affects the flow distribution and causes local flow blockage. Meanwhile, water vapor will enter the fuel gap from the rupture, thereby increasing the surface area of cladding that is oxidized by the steam. At present, the widely used integrated SA analysis codes cannot analyze fuel rods thermalmechanical behavior at the early SA stage, and the judgment of cladding rupture is only based on simple parameter model. This paper integrates the developed FRTMB (core Fuel Rod ThermalMechanical Behavior analysis) module into the integrated SA analysis code ISAA, so that the coupled system ISAAFRTMB can analyze fuel rods thermalmechanical behavior and judge cladding rupture. Previous part introduced the need of developing the FRTMB module, verification of the module, how the module interactively worked in the SA analysis code, and evaluated the steadystate fuel rods thermalmechanical behavior at different enrichment areas of the CAP1400 reactor. This part focuses on analyzing fuel rods behavior during a hypothetical DVI (Direct Vessel Injection) line small breakout accident (break diameter d=4 inch) of the CAP1400, and predicts the cladding rupture time and the corresponding failure temperature. Due to failure of components of the emergency core cooling system and assumed unavailability of several preventive and mitigative accident management measures (AMM), the accident developed into a SA scenario with core melt and reactor pressure vessel failure. The mechanical analysis results show the top of the fuel rod is the first to rupture, rather than the peak node. The primary factor affecting the fuel pellet strain is the deformation caused by thermal expansion, while the densification and swelling change little. These results demonstrate the applicability and reliability of ISAA-FRTMB in analyzing fuel rods thermalmechanical behavior and judging cladding rupture during transient accidents. The developed FRTMB module can be applied not only to rodtype fuel, but also to platetype fuel and other types of reactor fuel rods. Moreover, the FRTMB module can improve the channel blockage model of ISAA code and make contributions to analyzing the effect of cladding ballooning and rupture on transient and subsequent parts of core degradation.