
Dose Detecting of RADFETs Based on PMOS Extended to Elevated Temperature Applications

  • 摘要: 通过室温和高温条件下的辐照试验,研究了100 nm和400 nm栅氧厚度PMOS剂量计(RADFETs)在高温下的辐照响应。实验剂量率为3 rad(Si)/s和0.098 rad(Si)/s,辐照总剂量达80 krad(Si)。采用中带电压法进行氧化物陷阱电荷和界面态陷阱电荷的分离,对高温下辐照响应的微观机理进行了分析。氧化物陷阱电荷的退火作用是导致非线性响应的主要原因。不同氧化层厚度的氧化物陷阱电荷密度差异很大,高温下100 nm和400 nm RADFETs的界面态陷阱电荷密度差异较小。最后讨论了高温下不同栅氧厚度RADFETs的适用性,为高温环境下RADFETs的应用提供了参考。


    Abstract: The radiation response of 100 nm and 400 nmRADFETs was investigated at room temperature and elevated temperatures. A total radiation dose of 80 krad(Si) was reached with two different dose rates of 3 rad(Si)/s and 0.098 rad(Si)/s. The midgap technique was used to separate influence of the oxide trap charge and the interface trap charge. The microscopic mechanism of radiation response at elevated temperatures was analyzed. The annealing effect of the oxidetrap charge is the main reason for the nonlinear response. The changes of the oxidetrap charge with different oxide thicknesses have great difference, while the interfacetrap charge densities have little difference at elevated temperatures. The feasibility of using RADFETs at elevated temperatures was discussed, providing a reference for the application of RADFETs in elevated temperature environment.


