
Study of Beam Current Dependence of Digital BPM’s Electronics

  • 摘要: 在BPM测量系统中,流强依赖(BCD)是影响BPM测量精度和可靠性的一个重要因素,本文通过对BPM信号处理链路分析、BPM计算方法的研究,探索在BPM测量过程中产生流强依赖的主要原因;并利用Matlab模拟实验、实验室测试、实际束流测试,找到解决BPM测量流强依赖的方法。研究结果表明,BPM信号处理通道的非线性、ADC的直流偏置是产生BPM测量流强依赖的两个主要因素。本文经过对BPM射频信号处理电路改进,对BPM信号算理算法的优化工作,解决了自研数字BPM电子学的流强依赖性问题。


    Abstract: The beam current dependence (BCD) is an important problem for the beam position measurement system. Normally, the beam position measurement result should be independent of beam current. However, it is found that there are some correlations between the beam position measurement result and the beam current in actual operation of BPM system. This paper focused on how to find and analyze the causes of the BCD, and then to solve the BCD problem in BPM system. First, the digital BPM system was briefly introduced. It included the BPM system framework, the basic measurement principle as well the calculation method. Secondly, the possible causes of BCD were analyzed. It was about the RF signal channel nonlinearity and the offset of ADC output. Finally, simulations for the nonlinearity of the BPM RF signal channel, the offset of the ADC output, and the inconsistency of the gain of the BPM signal channel were carried out by using the Matlab. According to the simulation results, the RF signal processing circuit and signal processing algorithm of the home-made BPM electronics were optimized. The laboratory test and BEPCⅡ on line test results show that the BCD of the homemade BPM electronics is basically solved.


