To realize the practical application of the numerical reactor technology on the cutting-edge supercomputer with heterogeneous architecture, or the desktop workstation with consumer graphics cards, advanced lattice physics code based on heterogeneous architecture (ALPHA) was developed by the research center of nuclear power simulation at Harbin Engineering University as the highfidelity 3D neutron transport calculation code for reactor core based on heterogeneous architecture. Firstly, a massively parallel 2D method of characteristics (MOC) algorithm on GPU was proposed in ALPHA. Three parallel schemes were studied based on the ray parallelization in MOC solution method, and the performance optimization of MOCs GPU parallel computing kernel was performed. Numerical results demonstrate that the GPUbased 2D MOC parallel algorithm shows comparative accuracy compared with the other similar codes. The GPU shows powerful computing capacity especially with single precision operation, and the 1080Ti GPU achieves 100× speedup compared with the runtime on a single core of i9-7900 CPU. Secondly, the 2D MOC heterogeneous parallel algorithm which employs the MPI+CUDA programming model was proposed and implemented on CPUs/GPUs heterogeneous system. In this algorithm, the spatial domain decomposition technique provides the coarsegrained parallelism with the MPI protocol, while the finegrained parallelism was exploited through ray parallelization on GPU with CUDA environment. The strong scaling efficiency can be improved by overlapping the MPI communication with computation and applying the asynchronous datacopy between GPU and CPU. Thirdly, the resonance calculation model of ALPHA adopts the fine groupsubgroup secondary discrete strategy to treat the complex overlapping selfshielding effect and uses multigroup kernel to accelerate the performance of resonance treatment on GPU systems. Finally, 3D MOCEX heterogeneous parallel algorithm for neutron transport calculation on the CPUs/GPUs heterogeneous system was proposed, and the whole-core high-fidelity neutron transport calculation was performed high-efficiently and stably with the GPU-accelerated CMFD formulation. Numerical results show that the ALPHA has excellent parallel efficiency and scalable performance in the premise of ensuring the calculation accuracy, which is expected to achieve the lightweight and engineering application of neutronics calculation in numerical reactors.