
In-situ Thermodynamic Coupling Device for Small-angle Neutron Scattering

  • 摘要: 热力耦合近工况条件下材料微观结构的原位实验研究,对于深入理解材料服役性能演化机制十分重要,可给出样品微观上的纳米结构尺度分布。为充分发挥小角中子散射统计性好、取样体积大可开展原位实验等优势,本文基于中国先进研究堆小角中子散射谱仪,设计并研制了一台高温和拉力同时加载的原位实验装置,并实现了高温高压下原位测量材料的纳米尺度形貌变化。实验测试结果表明,装置最大载荷可达20 kN,最高温度800 ℃,控温精度优于±1 ℃。利用该装置对镍基单晶高温合金样品进行了原位小角中子散射测试,发现温度拉力条件下样品内部纳米结构的明显变化,表明基于该装置可开展热力耦合加载下的原位小角中子散射实验。该装置及其相应实验方法,可用于核电不锈钢等多种高温结构材料的原位加载实验研究,提供微观结构演化数据。


    Abstract: The in-situ experimental study of the microstructure of materials under thermodynamic coupling under near-working conditions is very important for in-depth understanding of the evolution mechanism of material service performance. The microscopic distribution of nanostructures on the sample can be given. Based on the advantages of small-angle neutron scattering method with good statistics and large sampling volume, in-situ experiments can be carried out, based on the small-angle neutron scattering spectrometer of China Advanced Research Reactor, an in-situ experimental device with simultaneous loading of high temperature and tensile force was designed and developed, and the morphological changes of materials at the nanoscale were measured online at high temperature and high pressure. The test results of the inspection and calibration experiment show that the maximum load of the device can reach 20 kN, the maximum temperature is 800℃, and the temperature control accuracy is better than ±1℃. The device was used to carry out in-situ small-angle neutron scattering experiments on nickel-based single crystal superalloy samples, and the obvious changes in the internal nanostructure of the samples under temperature tension conditions were obtained, indicating that the device could carry out the experimental research ability of in-situ thermodynamic coupling loading small-angle neutron scattering. The device and its corresponding experimental methods can also be used for in-situ experimental research of various high-temperature structural materials such as nuclear power stainless steel to provide microstructure evolution data.


