田浪浪, 马誉高, 张卢腾, 朱怡儒, 唐思邈, 马在勇, 潘良明. 高温液钠与不锈钢界面润湿机制研究[J]. 原子能科学技术. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2024.youxian.0277
引用本文: 田浪浪, 马誉高, 张卢腾, 朱怡儒, 唐思邈, 马在勇, 潘良明. 高温液钠与不锈钢界面润湿机制研究[J]. 原子能科学技术. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2024.youxian.0277
TIAN Langlang, MA Yugao, ZHANG Luteng, ZHU Yiru, TANG Simiao, MA Zaiyong, PAN Liangming. Study on Interface Wetting Mechanism between High-temperature Liquid Sodium and Stainless Steel[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2024.youxian.0277
Citation: TIAN Langlang, MA Yugao, ZHANG Luteng, ZHU Yiru, TANG Simiao, MA Zaiyong, PAN Liangming. Study on Interface Wetting Mechanism between High-temperature Liquid Sodium and Stainless Steel[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2024.youxian.0277


Study on Interface Wetting Mechanism between High-temperature Liquid Sodium and Stainless Steel

  • 摘要: 钠冷快堆的主要特点是将液态钠作为堆芯冷却剂,因此液态钠与不锈钢固液界面的润湿现象在该堆芯系统中普遍存在。高温液钠在不锈钢界面的润湿性能与结构材料的腐蚀程度、材料自洁以及测量仪器精度等直接相关。本文通过可视化实验和分子动力学数值模拟的方法,针对高温液钠与不锈钢界面的润湿特性开展研究,结果发现:液钠与不锈钢的润湿转捩(接触角90°)温度在320~335 ℃附近;不锈钢表面的Cr2O3层会抑制液钠前驱膜的形成,使得液钠等效润湿半径减小,导致液钠与不锈钢界面润湿性变差;随着温度逐渐升高,液钠与Cr2O3层逐渐反应生成NaCrO2,使得液钠与不锈钢界面润湿性转好。


    Abstract: The main feature of the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) is the application of liquid sodium as the coolant. Hence, the wetting phenomenon at the solid-liquid interface between stainless steel and liquid sodium is significant in this reactor system. Solid-liquid interface wettability is one of the important factors affecting the corrosion of solid materials. The better wettability will make liquid sodium more likely to penetrate the stainless steel substrate and react with internal elements, indicating that the material’s resistance to liquid sodium corrosion performance is worse. For some moving parts, the worse wettability indicates better self-cleaning properties of the material, which can greatly reduce the cost of cleaning and maintenance. In addition, the testing of some physical instruments is also related to the wettability of the liquid sodium, which is not in full contact with the measuring parts until the instrument probe is fully wetted, which can lead to less accurate measurement data. The wettability can be quantitatively characterized by the contact angle. The wetting mechanism of liquid sodium was investigated on the surface of stainless steel flats and Cr2O3-coated stainless steel flats based on experimental measurements and molecular dynamics simulations in this paper. In the experimental part, stepped heating wetting was used to measure the contact angle of liquid sodium at different wetting time and temperatures, and to investigate the effect of chemical reaction between liquid sodium and Cr2O3 layer on the surface of stainless steel on the wetting turn and complete wetting temperature at high temperature. In the simulation part, the molecular dynamics method was used to simulate the wetting process of the liquid sodium model on two stainless steel model surfaces with or without the Cr2O3 layer under constant wetting conditions, to investigate the effect of the presence of Cr2O3 on the surface of stainless steel on the precursor film of liquid sodium as well as the equivalent wetting radius. It is found that the wetting characteristics of liquid sodium on stainless steel surfaces are mainly regulated by temperature and wetting duration. The contact angle decreases with rising temperature and longer time, leading to better wetting effect. The wetting turning temperature and complete wetting temperature of liquid sodium on stainless steel surface are in range of 320-335 ℃ and 510-530 ℃. In addition, it is also found that Cr2O3 on the surface of stainless steel will deteriorate the wetting effect of liquid sodium, and the contact angle increases with Cr2O3. The Cr2O3 layer will also inhibit the generation of the precursor film of liquid sodium, making the equivalent wetting radius of the liquid sodium decrease. When the liquid sodium and stainless steel surface Cr2O3 react at high temperatures to generate NaCrO2, the liquid sodium wetting turning temperature and complete wetting temperature are reduced, and the wetting effect turns well.


