
Research on Safety Characteristic of Mobile Gas Cooled Reactor System

  • 摘要: 为了对布雷顿氦氙气冷堆系统的稳态和事故工况进行研究,本文依据系统设计参数,使用RELAP5/MOD程序对系统进行建模与仿真计算。对系统的稳态工况进行了计算,结果与设计值的最大相对偏差为3.08%,验证了模型的准确性,为后续系统优化打下基础。对反应堆系统可能发生的3种事故工况进行了研究分析,分别为控制系统故障、一回路风机故障和涡轮机故障。对3种事故中堆芯冷却剂出口温度、堆芯热点温度、反应堆功率等关键参数进行计算,并研究了事故发生后各关键参数的变化趋势,对反应堆系统的安全特性进行了分析和验证。结果表明,本文所建立的模型可较准确地对布雷顿氦氙气冷堆系统的各工况进行仿真,在保护系统生效时反应堆系统是安全的。对于控制系统故障导致以0.001 s−1增加了0.02的反应性的反应性引入事故,当保护系统失效时,在事故发生9 s后,堆芯热点温度为2 493.061 K,堆芯将会损毁;当保护系统正常时,系统将在保护系统的作用下安全停堆。对于一回路风机故障导致一回路流量下降至50%和涡轮机故障导致其中一条二回路流量下降至60%的事故,反应堆系统均可保持安全状态。


    Abstract: Small mobile reactors have the characteristic of being able to adapt to the multielement energy needs of different geographical environments and application scenarios, and are currently one of the important candidate solutions for solving diversified power demands in civilian field. Then the Brayton cycle is a commonly used form of thermoelectric conversion device for reactor power due to its advantages of fast start-up, simple system, high economic efficiency, and high efficiency. The gas cooled reactor coupled with Brayton cycle is a widely studied field by scholars both domestically and internationally. In order to investigate the key safety features of He-Xe gas cooled reactor systems coupled with Brayton cycle, this paper used RELAP5/MOD code to model the system based on its design parameters, and simulated and analyzed the system’s stability and potential accident conditions. The model established in this paper was composed of a He-Xe gas cooled reactor coupled with two sets of open Brayton power generation modules, where the He-Xe gas cooled reactor was the primary loop and the working fluid was He-Xe gas at 40 g/mol. The Brayton cycle was the secondary loop with air as the working fluid. The steady-state condition of the system was simulated, and the simulation parameters were compared with the original design values. The results show that maximum relative error is 3.08%, which proves the accuracy of the model. For the reactivity insertion accident caused by a control system failure resulting in an increase of 0.02 reactivity at a rate of 0.001 s−1, when the reactor protection system fails, the reactor core hotspot temperature will reach 2 493.061 K 9 seconds after the accident, which exceeds the safe temperature of the system and will cause breakdown. When the reactor protection system is effective, the reactor shutdown protection will be triggered 11 seconds after the accident, and the reactor core temperature will be 2 001.581 K, then the reactor can shut down safely. For the loss of flow accident caused by a failure of the primary loop fan, the reactor core hotspot temperature will be 1 650.851 K, and the reactor will continue to operate in a new steady state thereafter. For the one of the secondary turbine faults caused a 40% decrease in mass flow rate in the loop, the reactor core hotspot temperature will be 1 507.644 K. After the system stabilizes, the reactor continue to operate at 33% rated power. The results indicate that the model established in the paper can accurately simulate various operating conditions of the Brayton He-Xe gas cooled reactor system, and the system is safe in the event of the three accidents mentioned above when the protection system is effective.


