林武辉, 张翊邦, 杜金秋, 罗柱, 曹少飞, 拓飞. 日本福岛来源134,137Cs在海洋多介质体系中演变特征解析—以福岛港口区为例[J]. 原子能科学技术. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2024.youxian.0378
引用本文: 林武辉, 张翊邦, 杜金秋, 罗柱, 曹少飞, 拓飞. 日本福岛来源134,137Cs在海洋多介质体系中演变特征解析—以福岛港口区为例[J]. 原子能科学技术. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2024.youxian.0378
LIN Wuhui, ZHANG Yibang, DU Jinqiu, LUO Zhu, CAO Shaofei, TUO Fei. Evolving Characters of Fukushima-derived 134,137Cs in Marine Environment: Decadal Analysis of Most Polluted Port near FDNPP[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2024.youxian.0378
Citation: LIN Wuhui, ZHANG Yibang, DU Jinqiu, LUO Zhu, CAO Shaofei, TUO Fei. Evolving Characters of Fukushima-derived 134,137Cs in Marine Environment: Decadal Analysis of Most Polluted Port near FDNPP[J]. Atomic Energy Science and Technology. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2024.youxian.0378


Evolving Characters of Fukushima-derived 134,137Cs in Marine Environment: Decadal Analysis of Most Polluted Port near FDNPP

  • 摘要: 日本福岛核事故以来,大量人工放射性核素持续泄漏进入海洋,造成严重海洋核污染。福岛来源人工放射性核素也可作为示踪剂,指示核素在海洋中的迁移转化规律。本研究聚焦福岛核事故后污染最严重的福岛第一核电站港口区,系统分析日本经济产业省、日本原子能规制委员会、东京电力公司等1 000多份监测报告,同时重建2011年4月至2023年10月期间港口区海水、沉积物、鱼类等多介质中134,137Cs的演变历史,提出海水三阶段演变、沉积物四阶段演变、鱼类三阶段演变模式,计算不同阶段134,137Cs活度水平和有效半衰期。本文发现了沉积物中134,137Cs长期记忆效应及其对鱼类的持久影响,揭示了不同介质中高度一致的福岛来源134Cs/137Cs初始活度比值特征指纹,并解析了海洋鱼类对137Cs富集吸收动力过程,可以为福岛核电站修复进程和核污水排海评估提供一定的科学参考。


    Abstract: A large amount of artificial radionuclides have been released into the ocean, contributing to serious nuclear pollution in marine environment, and arising public concerns and worry around the world. The Fukushima-derived artificial radionuclides can also be used as tracers to reveal the migration, transformation processes, and fate of artificial radionuclides in the ocean. The most polluted port within less than 1 km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) was focused on in this study. The most polluted port near the FDNPP serves as windows to reflect progresses and effectiveness of decommissioning of the FDNPP, which is inaccessible for public and many other counties around the world. Historical activities of 134,137Cs in seawater, marine sediment, and marine fish were reconstructed from April 2011 to October 2023 on the basis of over 1 000 reports from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Nuclear Regulation Authority of Japan, and Tokyo Electric Power Company. The patterns of the three-stage evolution of 134,137Cs in seawater, the four-stage evolution of 134,137Cs in sediments, and the three-stage evolution of 134,137Cs in marine fish were proposed to quantify the activity levels and effective half-lives (EHL) of 134,137Cs at different stages. The evolutions of historical 134,137Cs in seawater, sediment, and marine fish were closely related to multiple countermeasures of decommissioning at the FDNPP, including the relocation of the drainage channels during June 2014 to April 2015, seabed covering of port in April 2015, removal of highly contaminated retained water in December 2015, filling of tunnels and towers in December 2015, and completed construction of sea-side impermeable walls in February 2016. The longest EHL of 134,137Cs in marine sediment indicates the memory effect of marine sediment and its persistent and dominated contribution to 134,137Cs in marine fish. Additionally, a highly consistent activity ratio of 134Cs to 137Cs (about 1.0) was simultaneously calculated in seawater, sediment, and marine fish, indicating the transferring of the Fukushima-derived 134,137Cs in multiple matrices in the marine environment. The temporal variation of concentration factor of 137Cs in marine fish was also constructed to reveal the dynamic processes of the enrichment and uptake of 137Cs in marine fish from seawater. The relatively high value of concentration factor of 137Cs in marine fish was observed during the initial period of nuclear accident followed by a decline in concentration factor of 137Cs to about 100 L/kg. This study would provide scientific evaluations for the effectiveness of the decommissioning of the FDNPP and the consequences of Fukushima contaminated water discharged into the ocean.


