Vortex states of photons, electrons, and other particles are non-plane-wave solutions of the corresponding wave equation with helicoidal wave fronts. These vortex states carry intrinsic orbital angular momentum along their mean propagation direction, endowing their wave functions with a spiral phase structure akin to whirlpool-like water flows or spinning tops. The distinctive properties of vortex particles, such as their topological charge, transverse momentum distribution, and the presence of phase singularities, have garnered significant attention across various scientific disciplines, including imaging and communication, metamaterials, spectroscopy, atomic and nuclear structure, particle and hadron physics, and even astrophysics, unlocking new dimensions of exploration. This article aims to succinctly outline the experimental techniques for generating various vortex particles and the corresponding detection methods, while delving into their impacts in diverse interactions, including angular momentum transfer, extension of selection rules, modulation of atomic linear motion, adjustment of differential cross-sections and energy dissipation rates, as well as transformations of photon polarization. Particular emphasis was placed on highlighting their invaluable scientific contributions and application potential, especially in optimizing nuclear reaction mechanisms, propelling innovations in particle accelerator technology, investigating the internal structure of hadrons, and unraveling the deep architecture of neutron stars.