
Study on Residual Stress in Single-sided and Double-sided Friction Stir Welding of Thick Plate 2219 Aluminum Alloy

  • 摘要: 焊接残余应力严重影响着服役件的使用寿命。为准确掌握厚板2219铝合金搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)焊接残余应力分布,采用中子衍射方法分别对20 mm厚的FSW单面焊件和双面焊件进行残余应力测量,分析并对比了两种焊接工艺的残余应力分布。结果表明,两种焊接工艺下,残余应力分布特点相似。纵向残余应力是主应力,主要表现为拉应力,其分布出现左右不对称的双峰特征且前进侧和后退侧均会出现最大峰值,双峰位于轴肩作用区域,轴肩区域外快速下降为压应力,接近于母材区。单面焊和双面焊最大纵向残余拉应力分别为178.2 MPa和150.4 MPa。相对而言,横向和法向残余应力幅值均较小,围绕在0轴附近(无应力)波动。双面焊在三维方向上的残余应力小于单面焊,且双峰变化较为平缓。分析测试结果可对厚板焊接工艺的改进提供数据支撑和工程参考。


    Abstract: Welding residual stress is related to the mechanical properties and service life of components. To accurately grasp the residual stress distribution of thick plate 2219 aluminum alloy after friction stir welding (FSW), optimize the welding process, and enhance its service value, a non-destructive testing method—neutron diffraction was employed to measure the three-dimensional residual stress in both FSW single-sided weldments and FSW double-sided weldments with a thickness of 20 mm. Neutron diffraction is currently the only method available for measuring the structural integrity of thick plate materials. And the residual stress distribution of the two welding processes was analyzed and compared. The results indicate that the characteristics of residual stress distribution are similar under both welding processes. And the longitudinal residual stress is the principal stress and manifests as tensile stress. The stress value at the center of the weld is not the maximum residual stress. The significant heat input and large plastic deformation at the weld center lead to stress release in the weld center. The longitudinal residual tensile stress exhibits an asymmetric double-peak characteristic on both sides, with the maximum peak values occurring on both the advancing side and retreating side. And the double peaks of the longitudinal residual stress are located in the shoulder area, where the residual stress drops rapidly to compressive stress outside the shoulder area, approaching the base material zone. The maximum tensile stress of single-sided welding and the double-sided welding are 178.2 MPa and 150.4 MPa respectively. In contrast, because the transverse direction and normal direction are less affected by the temperature gradient, the amplitudes of transverse residual stress and normal residual stress are relatively small, fluctuating around the zero axis. The increase of residual stresses in the longitudinal direction, transverse direction and normal direction almost synchronized, whether in the weld zone or the base material zone. The residual stress distribution in the base material of single-sided welding and double-sided welding also differs. In the base material region of single-sided welding, the longitudinal residual compressive stresses in all three lines are greater than those in double-sided welding. The second pass of double-sided welding is equivalent to a heat treatment process. Double-sided welding exhibits lower residual stresses in all three dimensions compared to single-sided welding. And the double-peak variations of the double-sided welding are more moderate than single-sided welding. The analysis of the test results can provide parameter support and engineering references for the improvement of thick plate welding processes.


