
Geochemical Characteristic of Stream Sediment and Metallogenic Prognosis of Nanxiong Area, North Guangdong

  • 摘要: 本文利用南雄幅1∶50 000水系沉积物地球化学数据,结合元素变异系数、R型聚类分析、因子分析,解析了元素异常特征,认为区内Bi、Mo、Pb、W、Au、Cu、Sn等元素具有一定的找矿潜力;依据面积、平均衬度和规格化面金属量之和等特征参数的规范化数据之和进行了综合异常定量排序。结合区内成矿地质背景,圈出棉土窝钨钼铜多金属、鸦子寨天瑶地钨钼铀多金属和全安锑铅金属3个找矿预测区。


    Abstract: Through the integrated interpretation of element variation coefficient, R mode cluster analysis and factor analysis, the characteristic of element anomaly was analyzed using the basic geochemical data of stream sediment survey (1∶50 000) in Nanxiong area. Nanxiong area has good metallogenic potential for Bi, Mo, Pb, W, Au, Cu and Sn. According to the comprehensive analysis of some important parameters, such as the area, the average contrast and the sum of the normalized areal productivity of integrated anomaly, a scale of integrated anomaly was quantitatively ranked. With consideration of the geological background, three potential prospecting sectors were delineated, which are Miantuwo W-Mo-Cu, Yazizhai-Tianyaodi W-Mo-U, and Quan’an Sb-Pb.


