
Development and Validation of Multi-group Covariance Date Processing Code CovarXS Based on ENDF Library

  • 摘要: 核数据的不确定度已成为反应堆物理计算结果不确定度的主要来源,而不确定度计算需要的核截面协方差数据处理软件强烈依赖于国外相关计算软件,目前国内对核数据协方差信息处理软件鲜有报道,且对其处理方法和理论研究不多,为此,本文深入研究多群协方差信息处理理论,在自主开发的先进核截面处理程序AXSP中开发了多群协方差处理模块CovarXS,基于ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1评价核数据库制作了33群协方差数据库,通过与NJOY2016中的ERRORR模块计算结果对比,产生的相对协方差数据的相对误差小于1.0%,验证了CovarXS模块开发的正确性。在此基础上,利用制作的33群协方差矩阵对MOX燃料钠冷快堆BN-600基准题进行了分析,对影响系统keff的不确定性最大的核素及其截面进行了分析。基于CovarXS模块和ERRORR计算得到的不同核素对keff的不确定度贡献的相对误差小于0.893%,由此说明CovarXS模块处理得到的多群协方差数据库精度与ERRORR模块生成的多群协方差数据库的精度相当。


    Abstract: The uncertainty of measured cross sections is relatively large due to the higher energy of neutrons in fast neutron spectrum reactors and the smaller cross sections compared to the low-energy range. The uncertainty of these cross-sections affects the uncertainty of reactor physics calculations results. Previous research results show that nuclear data uncertainty is a major source of uncertainty in reactor physics calculations. However, the analysis of uncertainty requires software for processing nuclear cross section covariance data which are from the neutron Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF), which heavily relies on relevant foreign computational software, such as NJOY. Currently, there are few reports on domestic software for processing nuclear data covariance data, and there is limited research on its methods and theories. Therefore, this study delves into the theory of multi-group covariance ENDF data processing method and develops the multi-group covariance processing module CovarXS within the independently developed advanced nuclear cross section (XS) processing program AXSP. A 33-group covariance database was generated based on the ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1 evaluated nuclear data file. To verify the correctness of the developed CovarXS module, relative covariance matrices for 238U(n,inel), 239Pu(n,fiss), and 56Fe(n,elas) were generated using the module based on the ENDF/B-Ⅶ.1 evaluated nuclear database. By comparing the results with the ERRORR module in NJOY2016, it is found that the maximum relative error of the computed covariance data between the two programs is within 1.0%. The relative errors for 238U(n,inel) and 239Pu(n,fiss) are less than 0.001%. The relative error for 56Fe(n,elas) is slightly larger, but still do not exceed 1%. Based on these results, the 33-group covariance matrices were used to analyze the BN-600 benchmark problem of a MOX-fueled sodium-cooled fast reactor. The nuclides and types of cross-sections that contributed the most uncertainty to the keff were identified. The calculation results show that the relative errors of the total keff uncertainty contributions from all nuclides obtained using the CovarXS module and the ERRORR module are less than 0.11%. The nuclide with the largest contribution is 238U, followed by 239Pu, 56Fe, 23Na, and others. For the 238U nuclide, the reaction channel contributing the most to keff is (n,inel), followed by the (n,g) reaction channel of 239Pu. The total relative uncertainty of keff caused by the main nuclides is 0.893%. This indicates that the precision of the multi-group covariance database generated by the CovarXS module is comparable to that generated by the ERRORR module. The relative covariance data generated using the CovarXS module can provide reliable data for subsequent uncertainty analysis.


