
Energy-group Wise Self-adaptive Refinement of Unstructured Mesh for Neutron Transport Simulation

  • 摘要: 为兼顾中子输运的模拟精度和计算效率,对网格进行自适应加密和区域分解并行是有效技术途径。通常各能群的中子通量密度分布有较大差异,采用统一的网格不能最佳匹配各群通量密度的空间变化,只能全局加密网格或损失精度。本文通过对各能群中子通量密度分别进行后验误差估计,开展能群独立的局部网格加密,获得与各能群的中子通量密度分别匹配的多组非结构网格,即基于共同父网格(粗网格)的多组独立子网格(细网格),进而开发了在这种层次化父-子网格上的多群中子输运模拟耦合算法,通过连续的多轮次自适应加密,实现了不受初始网格分辨率影响的高精度、高效率求解。基于该网格方法建立了间断有限元输运程序ENTER-Ⅱ,并借助开源算法库DEAL.Ⅱ实现了区域分解并行。初步验证表明,计算结果符合良好,时间效率有明显提升。


    Abstract: In order to balance the accuracy and efficiency of neutron transport simulation, performing self-adaptive mesh refinement and domain decomposition parallelization for unstructured meshes are technologies that worth exploring. For the neutron flux distribution of each energy group generally has significant difference with distributions of other groups, using a common mesh in the simulation for all energy groups cannot best match the flux spatial profiles of every group. In that case, the common mesh has to be excessively globally refined, or the accuracy is expected to lose some extent. An energy-group wise local mesh refinement scheme for multi-group neutron transport simulation was adopted in this paper, which was based on independent posterior error estimations for the neutron flux of all energy groups. The obtained unstructured fine meshes were stored separately in multiple containers, they are different on the active top level, but share a common coarse mesh on the base level where the fine meshes are derived from. These multi-sets of hierarchical meshes were named base-derived meshes hereafter. Obviously, these base-derived meshes can best match the flux distribution of each energy group respectively, but the data transfer and interpolation between groups for calculation of inter-group fission and scattering sources come to be the key issues. A couple algorithm for multi-group transport simulation on such group-wise refined base-derived meshes was introduced. It achieves high accuracy and efficiency by successive adaptive refinement cycles, and finally reaches the mesh insensitive state automatically regardless the resolution of initial coarse base mesh. The transport code ENTER-Ⅱ was developed based on this energy-group wise self-adaptive (GWA) refinement algorithm, and the discontinuous finite element method was applied to enable the flexible modeling and meshing of complex geometry. Domain decomposition based parallel computing capability was realized with the help of the open-source library DEAL.Ⅱ. Preliminary verifications to the group-wise self-adaptive refinement algorithm were presented, which show that the simulation accuracy is acceptable, and the time efficiency is remarkably better. The time costs in solving angular flux on the successively refined meshes are quite low, due to the good estimations of initial values of flux that are transferred from the solutions on the coarser meshes and then interpolated on the fine meshes. It concludes that, with the help of energy-group wise self-adaptive refinement, the initial meshing of geometry domain does not need to rely on expertise, and the high-fidelity simulation efficiency raises effectively.


