
Generation and Collision of High-energy Vortex Particles: Advances, Prospects and Challenges

  • 摘要: 光子、电子及其他粒子的涡旋(扭曲)态指这些粒子相应的波函数呈螺旋状波前的非平面波解。这些涡旋态在沿着平均传播方向上携带内禀轨道角动量,这一特性使得它们的波函数具有螺旋形的相位结构,类似于漩涡状的水流或旋转的陀螺。涡旋粒子因其独特的性质而备受瞩目,诸如拓扑荷数、横向动量分布以及相位奇点的存在,为多个科学分支如成像与通信、超材料、光谱分析、原子与核结构、粒子与强子物理乃至天体物理学等,开启了崭新的探索维度。本文旨在精炼概述各类涡旋粒子产生的实验技术和相应的探测手段,深入分析它们在各类相互作用中的影响,如角动量转移、拓展选择定则、调节原子的线性运动、调制微分截面与能量耗散率及光子偏振的转变,特别是在优化核反应机制、推动粒子加速器技术创新、研究强子内部结构与解析中子星深层构造等方面,凸显其不可小觑的科学价值与应用潜力。


    Abstract: Vortex states of photons, electrons, and other particles are non-plane-wave solutions of the corresponding wave equation with helicoidal wave fronts. These vortex states carry intrinsic orbital angular momentum along their mean propagation direction, endowing their wave functions with a spiral phase structure akin to whirlpool-like water flows or spinning tops. The distinctive properties of vortex particles, such as their topological charge, transverse momentum distribution, and the presence of phase singularities, have garnered significant attention across various scientific disciplines, including imaging and communication, metamaterials, spectroscopy, atomic and nuclear structure, particle and hadron physics, and even astrophysics, unlocking new dimensions of exploration. This article aims to succinctly outline the experimental techniques for generating various vortex particles and the corresponding detection methods, while delving into their impacts in diverse interactions, including angular momentum transfer, extension of selection rules, modulation of atomic linear motion, adjustment of differential cross-sections and energy dissipation rates, as well as transformations of photon polarization. Particular emphasis was placed on highlighting their invaluable scientific contributions and application potential, especially in optimizing nuclear reaction mechanisms, propelling innovations in particle accelerator technology, investigating the internal structure of hadrons, and unraveling the deep architecture of neutron stars.


