Neutron Albedo Effects of Underground Nuclear Explosion
YANG Bo, YING Yang-jun, LI Jin-hong, BAI Yun
2013, 47(8): 1281-1285. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1281
Abstract PDF
Monte Carlo Simulation of Compton Scattering Process for Linear Polarized γ-ray
WU He-xi, YANG Bo, WEI Qiang-lin, LIU Yi-bao, ZHANG Tao, WU Di
2013, 47(8): 1286-1289. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1286
Abstract PDF
Preparation and Characterization of Simulated Waste Forms ZrxCe1-xSiO4
LU Xi-rui, DONG Fa-qin, WANG Xiao-li, LIU Li, LI Chun-li, WU Yan-lin
2013, 47(8): 1290-1294. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1290
Abstract PDF
Isotope Effect on Thermodynamics of Erbium Dideuteride and Ditritide
WANG Wei-du, PENG Shu-ming, LIANG Jian-hua, LONG Xing-gui, ZHOU Xiao-song
2013, 47(8): 1295-1299. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1295
Abstract PDF
Removal of NO3--N From Polluted Groundwater in Decommissioned Mining Area in an In-situ Leach Uranium Mine by Denitrifying Bacteria Bioreactor
WANG Qing-liang, HU Nan, DING De-xin, ZHANG Guo-qi, HU E-ming, ZHANG Hong-can, YANG Yi-han, JIANG Xiao-hui
2013, 47(8): 1300-1306. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1300
Abstract PDF
Effect of Irradiation of Electron Beam on Protein and Antioxidized Enzyme Activity of Microcystis aeruginosa
LIU Shu-yu, JIANG Qin-peng, WANG Yan, AO Xi-yong, WU Ming-hong
2013, 47(8): 1307-1310. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1307
Abstract PDF
Theoretical Research of CHF in Hemispherical Narrow Gap Channel Between Molten Corium and Lower Head
FENG Kun, TIAN Wen-xi, WU Ying-wei, SU Guang-hui, QIU Sui-zheng, YU Hong-xing
2013, 47(8): 1311-1315. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1311
Abstract PDF
Study on Buffering Characteristics of Hydraulic Absorber
SONG Wei, QIN Ben-ke, BO Han-liang, BAO Ji-shi
2013, 47(8): 1316-1321. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1316
Abstract PDF
Experimental Investigation and Analysis on Temperature Distribution in Water Pool of External Reactor Vessel Cooling System
LI Yong-chun, LI Fei, CHENG Xu, YANG Yan-hua
2013, 47(8): 1322-1330. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1322
Abstract PDF
LBB Leak Rate Calculation and Thermodynamic Non-equilibrium Effect Evaluation
WANG Ming-jun, SU Ya-li, QIU Sui-zheng, SU Guang-hui, TIAN Wen-xi
2013, 47(8): 1330-1335. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1330
Abstract PDF
Numerical Simulation for Erosion of Helium Stratified Layer Under Effect of Vertical Air Jet
WANG Hui, GUO Qiang, ZHANG Hui-min
2013, 47(8): 1336-1341. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1336
Abstract PDF
Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics on Shell-side of Pin-fin Tube Oil Cooler
SHI Shuai, YAN Chang-qi, DING Ming
2013, 47(8): 1342-1347. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1342
Abstract PDF
Heat Transfer Calculation of Core Melt Diluted by Oxide Sacrificial Material During In-vessel Retention
YANG Pei-yong, ZHANG Jin-long, JI Shui, PEI Jie
2013, 47(8): 1348-1355. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1348
Abstract PDF
Methodology for Seismic Analysis of FBR Core Assembly Using Variable Added Damping
SHANG Chao-hao, LU Dao-gang, LIU Ai-guo
2013, 47(8): 1356-1361. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1356
Abstract PDF
Physical Calculation and Analysis of In-pile Irradiation & Tritium In-situ Extraction for Ceramic Pebble Bed Assembly
XIE Jia-chun, GUO Chun-qiu, LIU Xing-min
2013, 47(8): 1362-1367. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1362
Abstract PDF
Measurement of Thermal Neutron Fluence Rate of In-hospital Neutron Irradiator by SSNTD
PENG Dan, LU Jin, ZOU Shu-yun, LI Yi-guo
2013, 47(8): 1368-1370. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1368
Abstract PDF
Transient Analysis of Nuclear Fuel Solution System
YU Chao, ZHOU Qi, ZHU Qing-fu
2013, 47(8): 1371-1374. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1371
Abstract PDF
Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis in Dissolving Process of Spent Fuel Reprocessing
LIU Ying-yu, LUO Zhi-wen, LIU Zhen-hua
2013, 47(8): 1375-1379. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1375
Abstract PDF
Out of Pile Commissioning Test of CARR Control Rod Driving Mechanism
ZHANG Ying-chao, GAO Yong-guang, ZHANG Ming-kui, KANG Ya-lun, JI Song-tao, HUANG Dao-li, MA Ming-wu
2013, 47(8): 1380-1382. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1380
Abstract PDF
Study on Open-loop Optimization of Operation Target of Low Temperature Nuclear Heating Reactor in Multiple-purpose Configuration
NI Xiao-li, HUANG Xiao-jin, ZHANG Ya-jun
2013, 47(8): 1383-1388. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1383
Abstract PDF
Design Optimization of Weight of Canned Motor’s Effective Material
LI Gui-jing, YAN Chang-qi, WANG Jian-jun, LIU Cheng-yang
2013, 47(8): 1389-1393. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1389
Abstract PDF
Radionuclide Survey for Jinan Miniature Neutron Source Reactor Decommissioning
ZHANG Yong-bao, LIU Yao-hua, LI Yi-guo, ZHANG Jin-hua, WU Zhen-kun, HUANG Bao-jing, WU Xiao-bo, PENG Dan, LU Jin, XIA Pu
2013, 47(8): 1394-1397. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1394
Abstract PDF
Study on Recycle of Materials and Components From Waste Streams During Decommissioning for Heavy Water Research Reactor
YUE Wei-hong, PANG Jin-xin
2013, 47(8): 1398-1404. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1398
Abstract PDF
Research on n-γ Discrimination Method Based on Spectrum Gradient Analysis of Signals
LUO Xiao-liang, LIU Guo-fu, YANG Jun, WANG Yue-ke
2013, 47(8): 1405-1410. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1405
Abstract PDF
Study on Parameter Optimization of Planar BEGe Detector Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Experiment
TIAN Zi-ning, OUYANG Xiao-ping, YIN Jing-peng, ZHANG Yang, YANG Wen-jing
2013, 47(8): 1411-1417. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1411
Abstract PDF
Global Distribution Analysis of Potassium on Lunar Surface Using CE1-GRS Data
YANG Jia, GE Liang-quan, XIONG Sheng-qing, ZHANG Qing-xian, GU Yi
2013, 47(8): 1417-1421. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1417
Abstract PDF
Automated Integration System for Biological Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline and Station of BSRF
GUO Xian, CHANG Guang-cai, GAN Quan, XIAO Shuai, SUN Gong-xing, LIU Peng
2013, 47(8): 1422-1426. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1422
Abstract PDF
Beam Closed Orbit Feedback Based on PID Control
XUAN Ke, WANG Lin, LIU Gong-fa, LI Wei-min, LI Chuan, WANG Ji-gang, BAO Xun, XU Hong-liang
2013, 47(8): 1427-1429. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1427
Abstract PDF
Feedback Control System for Soft X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Experimental Station Based on LabVIEW
LIU Qun, ZHOU Yin-gui, WANG Xiao, LI Liang-bin
2013, 47(8): 1430-1433. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1430
Abstract PDF
Experimental Software Design of Neutron Texture Diffractometer at China Advanced Research Reactor
LIU Xiao-long, CHEN Dong-feng, LI Mei-juan, TIAN Geng-fang, WU Li-qi, LIU Yun-tao
2013, 47(8): 1434-1438. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1434
Abstract PDF
Plasma Image Acquisition and Position Detection in EAST
SHU Shuang-bao, LUO Jia-rong, XUE Er-bing, WANG Bin
2013, 47(8): 1439-1444. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1439
Abstract PDF
Water and Heat Flow Simulation After Underground Nuclear Test
BAO Min, WANG Qun-shu
2013, 47(8): 1445-1449. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1445
Abstract PDF
Comparative Study of Chance Coincidence Correction in Measuring 223Ra and 224Ra by Delay Coincidence Method
YAN Yong-jun, HUANG De-rong, ZHOU Jian-liang, QIU Shou-kang
2013, 47(8): 1450-1457. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1450
Abstract PDF
Apatite Fission Track Analysis on Tectonic Activities and Paleotopography in Southern Altai Region, Xinjiang, China
ZHAO Wen-ju, YUAN Wan-ming, LIU Hai-tao, SONG Gao
2013, 47(8): 1458-1467. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1458
Abstract PDF
Analysis and Design Recommendation on Rabbeted Capping Plate of Equipment Cell in Nuclear Chemical Facility
ZHANG Jing-yu, YIN Xiao-zhan
2013, 47(8): 1468-1472. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2013.47.08.1468
Abstract PDF