Growth of Laser Initial Damage in Conditioned Fused Silica at 355 nm
YIN Wei, ZU Xiao-tao, JIANG Xiao-dong, YUAN Xiao-dong, LU Hai-bing, WANG Cheng-cheng, ZHENG Wan-guo
2009, 43(9): 1-843. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0860
Abstract PDF
Response of ZnO:Ga Crystal to Proton Beam
MA Yan-liang, OUYANG Xiao-ping, ZHANG Zhong-bing, WANG Lan, LIU Lin-yue, PAN Hong-bo, CHEN Liang, ZHANG Jing-wen
2009, 43(9): 1-787. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0848
Abstract PDF
Research and Design of Scanning Power Supply for Deep Tumor Therapy Facility With Heavy Ions Accelerator in Lanzhou
HUANG Yu-zhen, GAO Da-qing, LIU Yun-tao, CHEN You-xin, ZHANG Shu, GAO Ya-lin
2009, 43(9): 1-812. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0851
Abstract PDF
Experimental Study on Single Event Latchup of Antifuse Field Programmable Gate Array
TIAN Kai, CAO Zhou, XUE Yu-xiong, YANG Shi-yu, ZHOU Xin-fa, LIU Qun, PENG Fei
2009, 43(9): 1-938. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0855
Abstract PDF
Verification and Validation of ACEFormat Library Created From ENDF/BⅦ.0
CHEN Chao-bin, CHEN Yi-xue, HU Ze-hua, WU Jun, ZHANG Be-ai
2009, 43(9): 1-843. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0834
Abstract PDF
Calculation Study on Bioloff Impulse of LY12 Al Irradiated by Soft Xray
SHE Jin-hu, TANG Wen-hui
2009, 43(9): 1-816. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0839
Abstract PDF
Synergetic Treatment of UraniumBearing Wastewater With Sulfate Reducing Bacteria and ZeroValent Iron
ZHOU Quan-yu, TAN Kai-xuan, ZENG Sheng, LIU Dong
2009, 43(9): 1-843. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0808
Abstract PDF
Transient Simulation and Analysis for Delayed Neutron Detection System of China Experimental Fast Reactor
QIU Chun-hua, DUAN Tian-ying, LIU Yu-pu
2009, 43(9): 1-812. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0817
Abstract PDF
Nondestructive Test for Assembly Relationship of Initiating Explosive Device
WANG Xiangang, ZHANG Chaozong, GUO Zhiping
2009, 43(9): 1-938. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0785
Abstract PDF
Measurement of Secondary Neutron Emission DoubleDifferential Cross Section for Natural Iron Induced by 8.17 MeV Neutron
RUAN Xi-chao, HUANG Han-xiong, JIANG Jing, ,
2009, 43(9): 1-787. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0793
Abstract PDF
Effects of Zn Atomic Location on Electronic Structure of ZnO
LIU Qiang, CHENG Xin-lu, WU Wei-dong, YANG Ze-jin, LI Jin
2009, 43(9): 1-787. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0788
Abstract PDF
Dynamic Simulation of Response to Step Reactivity Insertedin Reactor With Temperature and Poison Feedback Based on Simulink
WANG Qiao, LI Hao-feng, CHEN Wen-zhen, ZHANG Fan
2009, 43(9): 1-827. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0823
Abstract PDF
Processing and Analysis of Reliability Data on Stator Cooling Pump
GAO Wei-guang, LIU Jing-quan, LIU Peng, XUE Fei, HUANG Xiang-rui
2009, 43(9): 1-822. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0828
Abstract PDF
Activity Analysis to Environmental Sample γspectrum With OLAM Net
DI Yu-ming, YANG Xian-ming, HAN Feng, ZHANG Quan-hu, FANG Guo-ming
2009, 43(9): 1-807. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0844
Abstract PDF
Reaction Kinetics Between (Hydroxyamino)acetic Acid and HNO2 in Perchloric Acid Solution
XIAO Song-tao, LIU Xu-dong, YE Guo-an, LIU Xie-chun, OUYANG Ying-gen
2009, 43(9): 1-847. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0798
Abstract PDF
Thermodynamic Investigation on Methane of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange
HAN Jun, XIA Xiu-long, HU Sheng, LI Shou-jian
2009, 43(9): 1-938. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0803
Abstract PDF
Performance Analysis of Collimator in Online Burnup Measurement System for Pebble Modular HighTemperature GasCooled Reactor With MonteCarlo Method
ZHANG Li-guo, SHANG Ren-cheng
2009, 43(9): 1-807. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0813
Abstract PDF
Accelerated Simulation Method to Evaluate Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity of Bipolar Operational Amplifiers by Decreasing Temperature in Step During Irradiation
LU Wu, REN Di-yuan, ZHENG Yuzhan, , WANG Yiyuan,
2009, 43(9): 769-775. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0769
Abstract PDF
Fabrication of α-C:H Coating on Microshell
ZHANG Bao-ling, HE Zhi-bing, WU Wei-dong, YANG Xiang-dong, LIU Xing-hua
2009, 43(9): 776-779. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0776
Abstract PDF
Design of Digital Regulating Loop Based on Field Programmable Gate Array
LONG Fengli, CHENG Jian
2009, 43(9): 780-784. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2009.43.09.0780
Abstract PDF